Deeonez is an independent game studio that intends to introduce a new genre of video games to the market
Besides giving the player an awesome and pleasurable experience while gaming, we want to advise the player on how their brains work, what their talents are and information their personalities, and how they can be used this in their everyday life using the behavior they have shown in the game. This could make the games more immersive, making every choice consequential and more enjoyable of all players. We believe that playing is one of the best ways to recognize a person's personality and talents, and this has been proven in terms of psychology
Game Designer
Environment 3d Artist
Character 3d Artist
3d modeler
Creative director & Writer
Level designer % Developer
the crown of human flourishing is a point where self‐ indulgence takes you to a degree that achieving your dream paves the way for others to benefit from it
When you have a dream and you want to achieve it, you should find the need behind that dream, because you should choose the right way to satisfy the need, so you should discover your unconscious .